Apparatus Pictures & Descriptions
There is a great deal of equipment utilized by a progressive department such as Hopkins Hill Fire Department. We have presented the vehicles and other items which might be of interest. Keep in mind that under some circumstances, the photographs on these pages may load slowly, so please be patient. We're sure the wait will be worthwhile.
Chief's Vehicle (Car 61)
Car 61 is a 2003 Ford Expedition. It serves as the Fire Chief's response vehicle
Car 61 also serves as an Incident Command Vehicle which has 2 mobile radio's (front and rear), a portable radio, telemetry with screen for our Bullard Thermal Imager, DVD recorder, white board, and an inverter to run equipment
In addition Car 61 also carries an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) which allows treatment of a cardiac patient in the event it arrives on the scene prior to the Rescue vehicle.
Fire Marshal's Vehicle (Car 62)
Car 62 is a 2008 Ford Explorer. It serves as the Fire Marshal's primary response, and inspection vehicle
Car 62 carries an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) which allows treatment of a cardiac patient in the event it arrives on the scene prior to the Rescue vehicle.
In addition, Car 62 is equipped with fixed and portable radio systems allowing communication with personnel and other fire and emergency agencies.

Engine 6
New Engine 6 was acquired in October, 2003, at a cost of $300,000.00, to replace our 30 year old pumper
Built by the Smeal Fire Apparatus Company, it is a state of the art apparatus, in which digital systems control and monitoring rises to new levels.
A 400 hp Cummins Diesel Engine drives the vehicle through an Allison 4 Speed, plus overdrive, transmission. Despite being almost 33 feet long, and weighing in at 23 1/2 tons, Engine 6 has a surprisingly small turning radius.
Engine 6 can pump 1500 gallons of water per minute and carries 1000 gallons of water on board in a Poly, not metal, tank. Also installed is a dual foam system capable of handling both Class A and Class B foam concentrates for use in extinguishing fires where water alone cannot be used.
A Harrison Hydraulic Generator features a continuous duty rating of 10,000 watts at 120 volts, 60 hertz. Also included is a pre-connected reel holding 200 feet of power cable capable of handling 30 amps of current.
This apparatus represents a quantum leap in technology and, as equipped, should meet the demands of our community well into the foreseeable future.

Quint 1
The pride of our fleet is the state of the art Quint. The Quint is a 1997 Smeal Fire apparatus, built on a Spartan Gladiator cab and chassis. This is the most expensive piece of apparatus yet purchased by the District at a price of $350,000.00.
This vehicle was acquired after an intensive search, conducted by a group of District Executives led by Chief Frank Brown, which began in 1996. Of primary concern was the changing nature of the district with more business and industrial types of buildings and the increasing use of lightweight roof truss construction. Also of major concern was to ensure acquisition of an apparatus which would be capable of serving the district for the next several decades.
The search committee decided on the Quint which has five (quintuple) characteristics: Pump, Hose, Ground Ladders, Aerial Ladder, Built in 500 gallon Water tank
The vehicle was delivered in 1997, and quickly became the "first due" ladder vehicle of choice for many other districts in Coventry and in surrounding communities. The Members are extremely proud of the Quint and very pleased with its proven capabilities.
In Apri 2007 Quint was sent to Twin Lights in Connecticut for a Body Refurb. Blemishes on the body were repaired, it was painted to match the color of Engine 6 as well as the stripping. The compartment doors were lined with stainless steel on the inside , and the rear wall of the cab was lined with aluminum diamond plate and fitted with NFPA brackets to hold tools.
In 2019 Quint 1 was replace and sold to a Fire Department in Chile, it was refurbed and is still in service to day.
In 2019 we replaced our 1997 Quint with a 2019 E-ONE HR-100 Quint, total cost was one million dollars. It has a 100 foot aerial powered with a 450 HP Cummins diesel, Allison transmition, it has a 470 gallon water tank, 30 gallon class A foam tank, it carries 1000 feet of 4 inch hose, there is an 8000watt 120volt 60 Herts generator, preconnected hand lines and numerous ground ladders. This is a great addition for the whole town of Coventry.
Rescue Boat Pictures & Descriptions
Our Rescue Boat, an Achilles was acquired in fall of 2007. It is a 12 foot long, inflatable craft with a rigid floor system and is equipped with a Nissan 9.8 hp four stoke outboard engine. It has a capacity of 600 - 700 pounds and can accommodate 3 personnel, all fully outfitted in cold water survival gear. The craft is transported on a Load Rite Trailer.
Utility Truck & Decon Trailer Hauler

Decontamination Team Trailer
These tents are fully collapsible, and are very easy to open and set up. (Shower heads or handheld spray nozzles) are built in and require only a water connection to be ready for use. Overhead translucent panels admit available light.
Decontamination Team Tent
The tents can be closed in bad weather and are heated by a stand alone heating unit. They can be set up to accommodate both ambulatory and non-ambulatory patients. A center flap insures privacy in cases where it is desirable for men and women to be treated separately
Brush 2 Picture & Description
Our Brush Truck, is a 2012 F350 Ford Pick Up with a V8 Gasoline engine.
Shown in the bed is a 2004 Brush Master Skid Unit, a self contained unit brush fire fighting system. Equipment includes:
- 1200’ of forestry hose
- 4 portable "Indian Tank" back packs
- 4 brush rakes
- Chainsaw
- 1200W Honda Generator
The vehicle is also equipped with:
- 225 gallon poly water tank
- 9 hp Darley high pressure centrifugal pump
- 5 gallon, around the pump, Class "A" foam system
- Side mount tray which holds up to 100’ of 1 3/4" hose
- Electric reel with 200’ of lightweight booster hose